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Muskaan Biradar

Muskaan Biradar

Development Intern

Muskaan is a postgraduate public policy student at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She holds an Honors degree in Economics and is passionate about international development and poverty alleviation. She has previously worked at Quality Council of India as an Analyst where she helped conceptualize and execute a cutting-edge gov-tech project. Experienced in research, consulting, liaising, and project management, she is exploring innovative approaches to enhance the wellbeing of poor people around the world.


Centers of Progress

April Book Club Review

Each month, the CCI team selects a new book to read and discuss together. Our book club selections cover a wide range of topics that are relevant to charter cities, but they are most often related to development, urban issues, and governance. In this ongoing series, reviewers will offer summaries of the books we’ve read and share some of the highlights from our discussions.

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