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David Nott

Image of David Nott

David Nott

Board Member

David Nott’s leadership as Reason Foundation’s President and CEO has resulted in significantly increased visibility and impact for the organization. Now in his 21th year at Reason’s helm, Reason magazine’s award-winning, original journalism has been aptly described by The New York Post as “kick-ass” and “no-holds barred.” Reason’s innovative public policy research has led the world in privatization, “having the most direct impact on the actual functioning of government,” according to The Wall Street Journal. ReasonTV, which launched 15 years ago under his supervision, continues to set the standard for video journalism. In 2021, ReasonTV video views reached 5.1 million views per month–and more than half of our YouTube views came from people under age 35.

Nott’s op-eds have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Orange County Register, San Diego Union-Tribune, Los Angeles Daily News, and other publications. He has written on privatization for the Institute of Economic Affairs, and was executive producer of the ReasonTV documentary “America’s Longest War.”