The Charter Cities Institute Signs MOU with the Zambia Development Agency

Zambia Development Agency
Charter Cities Institute Executive Director Mark Lutter with the staff of the Zambia Development Agency

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 11, 2020 – The Charter Cities Institute, also known as the Center for Innovative Governance Research, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Zambia Development Agency to work together to improve the business environment by taking initial steps towards creating the legal framework for charter cities.  In Zambia, new city developments like Nkwashi, a 3100-acre development for 100,000 residents outside Lusaka, could take advantage of charter city status to attract foreign investment and foster entrepreneurship.

The move sets Zambia on a path to improve their Multi-Facility Economic Zone regime and begin integrating core aspects of charter cities to address the interwoven challenges of rapid urbanization, infrastructure, and governance. New ideas are critical for  Zambia as their urban population is expected to grow from 8 million today to 25 million in 2050.

The agreement formalizes the cooperation between officials within the Zambian government and the Charter Cities Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit that works to develop legal frameworks for charter cities in low- and middle-income countries. 

Charter Cities Institute Executive Director Mark Lutter believes charter cities—new city developments with a special jurisdiction which allow them to broad autonomy to improve the business environment — represent developing countries’ best opportunity to spur lasting economic development. 

“The Charter Cities Institute is proud to sign this Memorandum of Understanding with the Zambian Development Agency. This signing confirms Zambian leadership in charter cities and we look forward to helping the Zambia Development Agency improve their capacity and expertise in improving the business environment in targeted areas and attracting foreign direct investment.”

About The Charter Cities Institute 

The Charter Cities Institute is a nonprofit whose mission is to create the ecosystem for quality governance in the cities of tomorrow. Headquartered in Washington D.C., the Institute partners with governments and new city developers to create the legal frameworks for charter cities, new city developments with a special jurisdiction that enables them to develop a more competitive business environment. The Charter Cities Institute is holding the inaugural Charter Cities Conference in Johannesburg on March 17th and 18th. 

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Mark Lutter: Founder and Executive Director of the Charter Cities Institute

[email protected]

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